8.7.2007 | 19:20
Ég fann crocssįlufélaga!
The Crocs
Manolo says, this above it is the shoe for the man. Notice how it differs from the shoe for the woman, below.
Manolo says, exactly. They are the same shoe!
The Crocs people they seem to belive that the womens and the mens they deserve the exact same shoe.
Perhaps, this it will be true in the socialist utopia of the future when the differences between the genders they have been eliminated by the selective breeding, but not yet. We, happily, still live in the world where the shoes for the man and the shoe for the woman they are different.
Yet, in the fact, the Crocs people they are not only stubborn in their misguided insistance on leveling the differences between the sexes, but they are stubborn in their unstylishness.
These they are indeed the shoes of a hypothetical distopian future, one in which the inmates they must be dressed in the footwear least likely to be useful in the popular uprising against the regime.
Yes, the defenders of the Crocs they will speak, as the defenders of the ugly often do, of the great comfort of this "shoe". Manolo asks you, why must the "comfort" always be the war cry of those who would lead us into the bad shoes?
Manolo says, comfort and style they are not incompatible, one does not obviate the other.
Finally, the defenders of the Crocs they will tell you that the Crocs they cost only $35, which seems cheap, until one realizes that they are manufactured out of the plastic rings used to hold the packs of six. Not the good value at half the price.
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